
福星高照 :福星是中国民间信仰的神仙之一。【象征幸福】。在道教流传为天上三位吉神。福,头戴官帽手持玉如意或手捧小孩为天官一品大帝,天官赐福由此而来。作为民间【吉祥如意】象征,故民间祝寿时,常在正屋面墙上悬挂福、禄、寿的中堂两侧面寿联为“【福如东海、寿比南山】。
Meaning of Art: " FuXing " is one of the gods in Chinese folk beliefs. 【 Symbol of happiness 】. In Taoism, there are three auspicious gods in the sky. “ Fu, ” wearing an official hat and holding a jade ruyi or holding a child in his hand is the emperor of the first grade of the heavenly official, and the blessing of the heavenly official comes from this. As a folk symbol of 【 Good luck and good luck 】, when folks celebrate birthdays, longevity couplets are often hung on both sides of the central hall with blessings, luck, and longevity on the main wall.