福星高照 【二】
福星高照 【二】
福星高照 【二】

福星高照 【二】

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风水意思 meaning of feng shui art

家和富贵 :在中国风水画里,花开能够带给主人一种【吉祥和富贵】的气息。家中客厅挂牡丹画,寓意主人一生【荣华富贵】。牡丹画一般色彩鲜艳亮丽,花型盛开看似【佛手招财】,在风水上暗示荣华富贵。将牡丹图挂于客厅之内即可起到点水旺财、【圆满和谐】的作用!此外,牡丹画饱含正能量,可【吸引贵人】、益友登门相助,让您的前程一片锦绣!

Meaning of Art: The blooming of rich and noble flowers can bring the host a kind of love, honor, happiness wealth and romance. A peony painting is hung in the living room of the home, implying the owner's life【Prosperity and Wealth】. Peony paintings are generally bright in color, and the blooming flower looks like 【Buddha's Hand Lucky】, implying prosperity and wealth in Feng Shui. Hanging the peony picture in the living room can play the role of【Perfect Harmony】. In addition, peony paintings are full of positive energy, which can 【attract the right person】to help you, so that your future will be splendid!

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福星高照 【二】