3PC 福鹿财树【4】

福鹿财树 :在古中国风水学里,鹿谐音“禄”代表高官厚禄,【步步高升】!也象征吉祥【长寿和升官】之意。图中一对金鹿寓意着福禄双全,也能够凝聚【家中财气】,有着旺财之风水效果。鹿能够【兴旺财运】、事业运!给在创业/生意路上的老板们,金路(鹿)会为您开创一条属于【自己的财路】。正所谓发财有 “路”!
Meaning of Art: In the traditional of Feng Shui art, the pair of golden deer in the picture symbolizes both【Fortune and Luck】, and can also condense wealth, which in the Chinese Feng Shui effect of【Prosperous Wealth】. Deer can prosperous fortune and 【bring luck in career】! For person who are on the road of entrepreneurship / business, “Jin Lu” (Gold Deer) will create a【secret path of success】for you along with money tree.