
马到成功 :骏马飞腾,马到成功!奔马的形象,是力量和速度的象征。风水画里寓意着蓬勃的生命力和【勇往直前】的不屈傲气,是获得【成功和成就】未来的基石。马头朝里,马尾朝门,这样代表马已经到了,成功也不远了!可以促进【事业的提升】,和带动【财运的流转】。在中国风水里代表着【事事顺利】!
Meaning of Art: The scenario of a galloping horse is a symbol of【Strength and Speed】. It means the vigorous vitality and the unyielding arrogance of【Moving Forward】, and it is on the pathway of 【Success and achievement】. The horse's head is facing inward and the horse's tail is facing the door, which means that the horse has arrived, and success is not far away! In Chinese Feng Shui, it represents【Everything goes on Well】!